DOS attack

92 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: another DOS attack, who hates what I have written and exposed now?

Is it some Hamas loving lecturer at Lancaster University or backers of Upland Resources (UPL)? Who knows? Anyhow we fight on. In the podcast I discuss Upland, Equals (EQLS), Caracal Gold (GCAT) and ASOS (ASC).


142 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: does nothing in this ffing country work as we pay taxes at a 70 year high


1129 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Another day of phone harassment & a DOS attack as I explain insider dealing laws re Bluebird

I start with the harassment: I wonder which fraudsters are trying to silence us today. Apologies if the site is slow, now you know why. Then onto Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV) and my scoop of earlier. Finally, St James House (SJH) and a follow up from Nigel’s shocking expose. I will do my second Woodlarks training walk on Sunday and am aiming for 12-13 miles. Think of my suffering, smirk and please donate HERE.


1146 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Irrational exuberance by you, irrational pessimism by me?

In today’s podcast I mention my planned Ha Ha then cover market madness, all the signs, Path Investments (PATH), Fast Forward (FFWD) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX). And thanks for understanding about yesterday’s DOS attack.


1149 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: We are under a DOS attack @ShareProphets and a Zoetic owning moron claims credit

s the Zoetic (ZOE) owning moron really responsible. Clearly he does not believe in a free press, hates me and boasts of it. But we are under a massive attack which is a bit of a distraction. Elsewhere I look at the bonkers turn of events at Umuthi (UHS) and speculate why the FCA has suspended the shares.


1796 days ago

ShareProphets under DOS attack again, can you guess who is trying to gag us?

Earlier today the ShareProphets website went down as a result of a DOS attack. This was a deliberate cyber crime targeting this website only. We have now put in place counter measures which may make the website slower, until the DOS attack ceases, but keeps it up exposing criminals, fraudsters and liars. This is not the first time we have faced a DOS attack.
